Home Opinion LETS APPRECIATE OUR SAVIOUR! RELIGION: Which Miracle Of Jesus Christ Do You Think Was The Greatest?

LETS APPRECIATE OUR SAVIOUR! RELIGION: Which Miracle Of Jesus Christ Do You Think Was The Greatest?

LETS APPRECIATE OUR SAVIOUR! RELIGION: Which Miracle Of Jesus Christ Do You Think Was The Greatest?

Happy Sunday Guys,

Jesus Christ is the perfect sacrifice to God in order to make peace between sinners and God, as the Bible says.

His death and resurrection is therefore His greatest miracle.

To me, I consider His act of dying and rising again from the death His greatest miracle.

Prior to that, He had been raising people from the death.

He decided to show to the world that He could conquer death, so He allowed Himself to be crucified, lost all His blood which is necessary for life, yet He resurrected and live without any blood to show to the world that there’s nothing He cannot do.

He conquered death by dying and rising again.

The blood He shed is still available somewhere in the universe to wash the sins of people and to protect people.

Because in the old testament time in Israel, blood of animals was used to wash sins and to protect people. So Jesus Christ Himself decided to provide a more perfect blood by providing His own blood

During the final supper with His disciples, He gave them bread and wine which He called His body and blood. So He was the perfect sacrifice. Before then, the body and blood of animals were used for sacrifice while parts of the body was then eaten.

Now, add your own miracle in the comments section, the miracle that you taught was the greatest to ever come Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the I am that I am.


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