Home Religion The Physical And Spiritual Risk Of Adultery And Fornication

The Physical And Spiritual Risk Of Adultery And Fornication

The Physical And Spiritual Risk Of Adultery And Fornication

Fornication refers to sexual activity between people who are not yet married or in a committed relationship. It’s very easy for many couples to get carried away with sexual desire, and before you know it, they’ve crossed the line and become unfaithful to their partner or spouses. Without question, this is not advisable at all. As well as leading to a number of unwanted spiritual effects of fornication.

Adultery on its own is a voluntary sexual activity (as sexual intercourse) between a married man and someone other than his wife or between a married woman and someone other than her husband. Adultery is only used when at least one of the parties involved (either male or female) is married, whereas fornication may be used to describe two people who are unmarried (to each other or anyone else) engaging in consensual sexual intercourse.

It’s generally accepted that fornication and adultery can have spiritual effects on the people involved—even though they might not be able to see them at the time.

The following are some of the spiritual effects that can arise from this kind of behavior;

🔹You are in the bondage of sin

🔹Lack of peace and joy

🔹Damage to your relationship with the Father- God

🔹Spiritual weakness

🔹You can’t pray effective prayers

🔹No desire to worship God

🔹Your name is deleted from the book of life.

🔹You may develop a fear of men

🔹Shame and guilt.

🔹Dishonor and disgrace



You are in the power of sin.

You are in the snare of sin.

You are in the snare of darkness, and Satan’s snares are everywhere around you when you choose to take them up as companions instead of turning away from them and walking with God instead!


You can’t be at peace with God and your sin at the same time. When you are sinning, it means that you are not being obedient to Him. You cannot experience His love and joy if you choose not to obey Him.

God wants us to enjoy our lives more than anything else in this world, but when we do not follow His rules, He will give us pain instead of joy because He loves us so much! If we were going through something terrible like sickness or poverty then it would be alright (because I know how hard it can be), but when we disobey God’s laws then there should always come consequences from disobedience such as lack of peace & joy; fearfulness; lack self-control, etc.


If you have been involved in fornication or adultery, it is important that you consider God’s justice and mercy. He is holy, just, and perfect. He hates sin and will punish those who sinned against Him (Psalm 106:10). Because you have broken His law by committing adultery, the Lord has banished you from His presence for all eternity (Isaiah 65:1-9; 2 Corinthians 5:1-10). You are not worthy of receiving any love from our Heavenly Father because of what we did to Him as well as us as individuals (Ezekiel 18:4-7; Romans 1:18-32). Therefore all that can be said about this situation is “God blesses those who curse others”


The spiritual effects of fornication are many, but one of the most significant is that it weakens your prayer life. For example, when you’re in a relationship with someone who doesn’t have Christ in their life and they ask you to pray with them, what do you say? You may feel tempted to pray for them or even praise God because they asked for help—but this will only lead you down a path of deceit and sin.

You also see how pornography can weaken your relationship with God by making it easier for people (including yourself) to think about other things than what God wants us to focus on: Him! If we spend all our time looking at pictures instead of listening or reading Scripture, then we won’t have time left over each day where we could be spending that precious time talking face-to-face with Jesus Christ through prayer requests made through verbal confession followed by repentance towards Him alone.”


A prayer is a powerful tool that can help you in many ways. It’s important to remember that prayer isn’t just limited to praying for yourself, but also for others around you. If you’re struggling with something in your life, it might help to ask God for guidance and strength as well as wisdom.

Praying effectively is important because it allows us to reflect on our actions and see what God wants from us in every situation we encounter throughout our lives. We all make mistakes sometimes—and even if we don’t, there will always be times when we need someone else’s help!


To be clear, this is not a sin. The desire to worship God is a gift from God and part of your spiritual life. It comes from the Holy Spirit in your heart when you are born again (John 3:3). The more you exercise that desire, the stronger it becomes until eventually, it becomes so strong that even if someone tries to tempt you away from worshipping Jesus Christ by offering them something else as an alternative (like money), nothing will tempt them as much as their own sinful nature which craves its own desires above all else.


The Bible says that if you have sexual relations with a woman without being married to her, your name is deleted from the book of life. That means that you are no longer a Christian and will not go to heaven when you die. You also have no hope of entering God’s kingdom because He didn’t create us for this sin!


If you have been sexually abused by a man, you may develop a fear of men that is the opposite of faith. Faith is the greatest gift God gives to all human beings because it releases us from fear and leads us into hope (John 3:16). Fear leads to a lack of faith in God’s promises, and when we believe that there is no hope for our lives apart from Him then we must conclude that He does not exist or cannot help us now as He promised long ago at creation (Genesis 1:26-28).


Shame and guilt are a result of sin. The Bible says that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). Sin is not just any kind of wrong behavior; it’s doing something that God has forbidden in His Word.

Fornication is one such act—sinful sex between two people who are not married to each other or related by blood or marriage. Fornication violates God’s commands for proper sexual relationships within marriage (Matthew 19:4–6), which include loving your spouse as yourself, being faithful to one another during the relationship, abstaining from premarital sex until both parties can say “I do” and keeping children out of bed until after their first birthday (Matthew 19:7–9).

If you have committed fornication before repenting and confessing your sin to someone else who will help you deal with its consequences properly, then shame over what happened may lessen over time as well as guilt—but these emotions may never disappear completely because they stem from something we did wrong in our lives while alive on earth!


Fornication is a sin. It’s not something to be proud of, and it can be humiliating for the participants.

The Apostle Paul wrote: “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

Fornication tears down one’s self-respect and dignity as one begins to view themselves as simply someone who gives pleasure to another person—someone who might leave them at any moment. This feeling can lead to feelings of shame or embarrassment because one knows their actions have been considered inappropriate by society at large.

A man who commits fornication is not better than an unbeliever

Fornication is a sin against God. It’s also a sin against your body and mind. The Bible says that all things are lawful for you, but not all are helpful. Flee from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:12).

If you have ever committed fornication, know this: You are not better than an unbeliever! He who does what is good and right is righteous; he shall live by faith in Jesus Christ, who died for our sins according to the Scriptures (Romans 1:17).

In Conclusion:

So these days it’s not just sleeping with strangers or unknown persons that’s dangerous, but also those one knows personally and even has a relationship with, like someone’s boyfriend, girlfriend or lover, because the person could be an established or aspiring ritualist who hasn’t a single drop of feelings or emotional attachment to them, but only see them as a money-making machine.

Hence we keep waking up to news of the brutal killings and dismembering of such ones for ritual purposes among other atrocious things we get to see on a daily basis, which also proves how desperately evil the hearts of men have become these days.

Worse still, after their lives have been untimely ended in such a brutal manner, they would still have to face their Maker on the day of judgement to give an account of the lives they lived while yet on Earth.

Hebrews 9:27 (KJV)

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

So when you see us warning you to flee from sin, especially sexual immorality, it isn’t because we are jobless and don’t have anything else to do, but we know the dangers that comes with such, as they give the enemy, who only comes to man, to steal, kill and destroy his life, an opportunity to exploit for his own purpose. John 10:10

Moreover some of these satanic devices were actually designed to get your souls locked down while you’re yet entangled in sin, because the devil knows that once you’re dead, there’s no second chance for you to make amends.

I hope this article has given you some encouragement to continue with your walk with God. If you are struggling and feel like giving up, remember that God is always there for you. He loves you and wants your best.

So be careful out there.

Try and avoid sexual immorality at all cost.

It could save your life not just here in this world but also in the world to come.

Remain ever blessed.

Happy Sunday.

23rd June, 2024.



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