Home Religion RELIGION: Social Media Platform, A Taboo Or Blessings For Christianity?

RELIGION: Social Media Platform, A Taboo Or Blessings For Christianity?

RELIGION: Social Media Platform, A Taboo Or Blessings For Christianity?

In the Bible days, to get the Gospel of Christ from one nation or part of the world to another, one would have to traverse long distances physically or through other transportation means available at the time to be able to do so.

This could take days, weeks, sometimes months, and possibly years to achieve, that’s even if the person is able to survive the dangers and difficulties he faces along the way, for instance, ship wrecks, persecutions, diseases, etc.

However today, someone doesn’t have to leave the confines of his building to be able to do so. Even from the comfort of one’s living room, someone could be preaching the Gospel to those in an entirely different part of the world.

That’s what the internet and social media has afforded today’s preachers of the Gospel.

I’m pretty sure that the apostles would love to have had such an opportunity at their disposal. They would have taken it with both hands and exploited it to the fullest with respect to the assignment Jesus gave them to preach His Gospel to all men.

Of course, there’s also the negative side that comes with the internet and social media, considering the fact that it’s being more or less controlled by the world which in turn is under the devil’s control.

However this is not unexpected as Jesus already knew this about the world yet He sent His disciples into the world to preach His Gospel, because He knew that if His disciples follow His instructions and watch and pray, there’s nothing the devil or the world can do to stop or deter them regardless of the temptations, trials, persecutions, they brought their way.

Now imagine Jesus’ walking on water, raising of Lazarus from the grave, or other miracles Jesus did being streamed or broadcast live on this day and age of the internet and social media, trust me, it will definitely have most views, if not most likes and shares than anything the world has to offer, because nothing of this world could equate that.

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If Jesus is yet the most famous person that ever lived by far despite not having these channels at His disposal during His days, how much more if He did?

Jesus said those who believe shall do the works He did and even greater works because He was going to the Father. John 12:14.

That means that Jesus doesn’t have to be here Himself to be able to achieve those same results.

He already made provision for His church to be able to replicate the mighty works He did on Earth before He left, so it’s up to the up to the church to yield themselves completely to Him as did the early church, so He could use them to showcase the great and mighty works of God for the whole world to see that He alone is the Lord of the earth.

Hence I believe that if properly harnessed, the social media is more than a blessing for the church.

It provides a huge opportunity for the church to carry out it’s divine assignment on Earth, to preach the Gospel of Christ to every creature.

God bless.


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