Home Anniversary 36th Edition: Don’t Just Dare To Dream For Success, Make Things Happen — Lahbash On His Birth Anniversary

36th Edition: Don’t Just Dare To Dream For Success, Make Things Happen — Lahbash On His Birth Anniversary

36th Edition: Don’t Just Dare To Dream For Success, Make Things Happen — Lahbash On His Birth Anniversary

On his 36th birthday anniversary, the CEO and founder of The Eaglesforesight, Comrade Bashiru Hammed Adewale popularly known as Honourable Prince Lahbash has empathized on his life story so far. Lahbash mentioned that it has never be part of him to dream about success, “i usually work for it and things eventually happens as it’s happening, Lahbash says on his 36th birthday anniversary.”

My favorite place was always within my comfort zone. Comfort zone is deadly, especially for people like me, who dreams day and night but are not ready to push themselves out of their comfort zone. I was often stuck in my zone, watched others getting the promotion, their dream job, new career and all the perks. But i was stuck in this same place until I step out of my comfort place like Abraham was instructed. We all dream of success and growth but we need to continually push ourselves out of our comfort zone to fulfill our dreams. I would say we all are not willing to work hard for it and that’s the reason our dream of success continues to be just a dream.

If you want to achieve success in life, then stop dreaming and start working with Proof, my late mother, Mrs Kudirat Bashiru do tell me this.

Long she left before I realized how life could be without a comforter and shoulder to lean on.

To some, my encounter with the Ogun State Governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun in the year 2022 was brutal, but to me I see it as an eye-opener and a simple way of learning in the hard way. Without the incident that happened, I wouldn’t have left my comfort zone to learn what life has in stocks for me.

After my release in the same year after 6months of incarceration, my life wasn’t the same way. I have acquired a piece of land and many assets just for leaving my comfort zone. Secretly acquiring some wealth and assets for my beloved son Ademide. These all happens after learning in the hard way.

Dreaming is important but having to work for the dream is more important. Try to follow your dreams boldly, be the hero of your story, have a knowledge of your beliefs, know your strength and take up the challenge to succeed! Talking about the number one richest man in African, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, Olympic athlete – the Usain Bolts or Chief Executive Officer of Alphabet – The Larry Page, worked quite hard to make their dreams come true and therefore they were all able to succeed in life.

I know you might be having so many conversations in your mind right now about how to start working for your dreams, what it takes to achieve what we want and much more. Well, here are some tips to make things happen.

Believe in your dreams:

Yes, dream something beyond your capabilities, something that is believable and practical. You must be able to believe in your dreams and believe that you can achieve it by working hard enough for it. This reminds me of how I was left alone with my dream, when no one believes in it, I told myself Lahbash, you can achieve alot in this lonely journey. Many will join you if you keep moving, that I did and I’m no longer lonely in the dream journey, now the road is busy with people who want to explore and take charge of what I singlehandedly believes in, when not even one person does.

Be the best at whatever you do:

Whatever you are doing, make sure that it is useful for your destination. And whatever you are doing to reach your destination, be the best at whatever you are doing. Give your 100% to it, work hard day and night just to get the taste of success. Do something that people will look up to at work. Be the best in your job.

Yes, you must be constantly active in what you’re known doing, if none is talking about it or praising you, kindly take time to celebrate yourself, one day the world will notice and come enmasses to rejoice with your victory.

Accept yourself:

Do not let anyone make you feel inferior and they cannot do it without your consent. Look in the mirror and accept yourself. Nobody is perfect and it’s true. Love what you see in the mirror and you will never cry for what society expects you to be. Do not just dream of doing things that make you happy, do it.

Carefully lay out your plans:

Take the action today. No leader is successful without the right steps. Every leader started with having a game plan. If you have plans made in your mind, you will have the room to focus on your dreams. Write down your plans in an organized way that will get you closer to your dream.

Stop reacting, start responding:

A situation is only as worse as your reaction to it. Whenever a tough situation arises, we all just waste our time and energy in reacting to it. Instead, we need to understand the problems and take actions to change the situation. It should be you taking charge of the situation, and not the situation that’s taking charge of you!

So, when things start to go out of hand, remember nothing comes easy. Every leader is successful today because of the step they took to move out of their comfort zone.

In conclusion:

It’s never too late to start all over again, all you need it to tell yourself that you can achieve it, do better and you will be surprised with the end results. I wish you all my global fans a new begining in the self believe of whatever you chooses to do or become in life.

Happy 36th birthday to my able self once again. Comrade Bashiru Hammed Adewale, otherwise known as Honourable Prince Lahbash, the CEO and founder of The Eaglesforesight, Sagamu Youth Association Director of Finance.


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