Home Uncategorized APC PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION 2022: Ward 5, SLG APC Youth League Coordinator, Comr. Daniel Olamide Saliu Congratulates Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Stated 13 General Life Lessons All Youths Should Learned From Mr. Emi Lokan

APC PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION 2022: Ward 5, SLG APC Youth League Coordinator, Comr. Daniel Olamide Saliu Congratulates Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Stated 13 General Life Lessons All Youths Should Learned From Mr. Emi Lokan

APC PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION 2022: Ward 5, SLG APC Youth League Coordinator, Comr. Daniel Olamide Saliu Congratulates Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Stated 13 General Life Lessons All Youths Should Learned From Mr. Emi Lokan

Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu has proven truly that he is indeed the JAGABAN he is called.

I tried to analyse some of his silent traits that made him unstoppable before and during the just concluded presidential election that he won with a landslide despite being the most controversial, prideful, oldest, ganged-up and unwanted candidate due to his recent outbursts to both the President and his vice, still, won the election. Very heartbreaking from some of us and inspiring at the same time

As we all know that this man Ahmed Bola Tinubu is an extremely wealthy man in all ramifications of life’s achievements such as business emperor, political stronghold, family, national leader, King maker, street commander, etc hate him or love him it is what it is.

Now, you can learn from some of his traits that I observed from him especially after winning the just concluded APC PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION .

1) Ruggedity: From the way he carries himself as the jagaban of africa, the calibers of people that clears his walking spaces and make up his entourage, how he gets cult-like followership in southwest, honored by day-to-day people on the street of Lagos including the touts of touts, also by respected people from all works of life and even the governor and governors trembles and rush to obey his commands.

Definitely, you cannot underestimate what this man is capable of doing to an individual or group of people.

2) Wealth Building: Bola Tinubu made his money from both politics and diversification of mega business investments. Nobody knows his net worth and financial capacity.

We do see him donate hundreds of millions of nairas to matters like it’s nothing.

For a popular example, he donated a 75million Naira to victims of recent killings that happened at owo catholic church where armed men came, shot, and killed church worshippers in mass. Quite unfortunate.

Let’s not forget his nickname he is fondly called the “bullion van” man

3) Leadership: He is using this characteristic in driving his private, business and political life to great successes unmatched.

Mind you that alot of people both small and great are directly and indirectly benefiting from his great leadership and accountable successes acquired by him. He is a great leader.

4) Powerful Influence: I don’t know how he does that. Maybe is due to his achievements that compel people to be loyal to him, or maybe he uses money to tool people, whatever it is he is very good at what he does. Look at how very respectable people honor and bow in his presence.

That speaks volumes a lot about him.

In this just-concluded presidential election, very rich, wealthy, powerful, and prominent people contested against him but he won them shamefully and made some cry. It’s not an easy feat.

5) Fearless: To be frank, one of the lessons that resonated with me after the whole drama that happened during the just-concluded presidential primary election is his fearlessness.

Do you know what it is to throw a direct attack publicly to a president, not just any president a major general from the military and commander of the National army military? And nothing happened and nothing will happen to him now he has gain more power, influence and position.

Vice-President is nothing to him, even governors are like his errand boys.

What a man!

6) Doggedness: Tinubu is rugged and a dogged fighter.

Ruggedity would get you power but to get more power and loyalists from your followers and onlookers you must be unrepentant dogged in your approach and pursuit.

He just demonstrated it during this election, upon all the critics, haters, attacks, gang-ups, predictions and projections, controversies and so on and so fort, giving up was never an option to him. He is ready to crush anybody that stands on his way to getting his ambition and goal no matter what it takes, enemies he makes, pits and falls, his eyes is focused on the prize. Win or nothing.

7) Master Strategist: Do you recall that other aspirants performed the same consultations he did?. They all went head-to-head and met lots of highs and lows in Nigeria to solicit their delegated support and votes but he carried the day with a landslide victory.

He played the game like a master and won his opponent like a mentor. They bowed out for him after seeing that they are in no way a match to him.

For a plan to be a great plan, the planner must carefully arrange it bit-by-bit that it comprises detailed start-finish to avoid errorless losses along the road.

Gauge and fine-tune the plan as it progresses for the best outcome.

He mastered his plans well. A master planner!

8.) People As Toolkit: Let me tell you here and now that money is not the only tool of success, people are tools.

As you can use money to create more money so as you can use people to create more of what you desire.

People would do your biddings provided you have what they need. That’s how people are wired to live. Great minds like Tinubu knows these things, he knows how to use them to his benefits and he applies the law perfectly after all he turns boys to men and men to made men.

9.) One Man Squad: most times better to be feared than to be only respected.

Fear is stronger than love and people fear what they think can cause them very deep hurt and damage or destruction.

When loyalists see you as terror they must fear, respect, and honor you in your presence and absence no matter what.

When they simply respect you and don’t fear you they can do something contrary to your beliefs at your absence, they can even work with your most feared opponent as the case may be when they are frightened by a situation

Although I prefer to be loved and respected than feared, I don’t want nobody to fear me as I don’t fear anybody. I only fear God.

Tinubu Jagaban is very much loved, respected, and feared by his loyalist because of the gain they make from him, the type of person he is, the kind of wrath he can bring when angered or threatened, and for them to continue securing their futures around him.

That’s why his loyalists and opponents honors him online, offline, offline and everywhere they are.

10.) Arrowhead: At a point in life you have to put aside sentiment and acknowledge the fact.

Let me use Real Madrid champions league triumph as an example, I never knew they will get past line but they surprised me, I was still in doubt of their ability against Chelsea but they proved me wrong.

It got to man city and I told myself this is the end for Madrid, I was shocked at their performance and I had to throw my weight behind them against Liverpool and they delivered again. It’s beyond luck but determination mix with hard work.

Same can be said about Tinubu, he had succeeded at some point when many believed was the end, everyone saw Buhari wasn’t on his side, APC Chairman wasn’t with him, APC cabals despise him to the extent that till the moment the convention started they were still looking for joker to play not knowing he’s a master strategist.

He outsmarted them and beat them to their game, I knew Buhari and Adamu will wonder how he did it behind closed doors.

At this stage I personally believe Tinubu can put all these northerners in their place, he can stop their madness cos I see Atiku and Buhari as the same.

Osinbajo will be a puppet and that’s why they want him, Tinubu outburst in Abeokuta and his winning has sent a strong message to the northern cabals that Tinubu is not here to play.

11.) Utility: This is another lessons learned from him. Know how to monetize or utilize people as a kind of people-force to gain what you need without hurting yourself or them while making sure their loyalty to you is undoubted and total.

12.) Confidence: Asiwaju as a lot of confidence in all what he wishes. You can learnt that from his speech during all his consultations and visitations. Even though, he knowns the victory is not really sure for him, still yet he always assured his supporters to keep calm and relax, that the victory is assured. Some of his confidential speech can be testified to when he made the consultations to the palace of Alaafin of Oyo, late Ọba Adeyemi Lamidi, the palace of Ooni of Ife, Alaake of Egba, and other prominent Yoruba monarch. The biggest of his confidential speech was the one he made at Abeokuta, Ogun State during his visitations to Ogun delegates, ÈMI LOKAN.

12.) Boldness / Courageous & Action: To be bold in all things is good, but you can’t be bold enough throw out your courage and action away. You need those three to makes you excel, action speaker than voice. Be bold enough to express your thoughts, feelings, admiration and emotions. Even though your words will not be hearken to, but be bold enough to say what you want and what you don’t want. While others Presidential aspirants are still afraid or going through the back door to express themselves to President Mohammadu Buhari’s on stepping into his shoes, Tinubu made a very vital and bodily step and went to meet Mr. President physically to inform him he wanted to step into his shoes as the next President of Nigeria.

13.) Patience And Hardworking: Tinubu’s much patience and hard working makes him triumph in his long time ambition. Despite been out of the governmental position since year 2007, Asiwaju have the patience and also used that to keep on working for the victory and emergence of all his preferred candidates across the country, and in all positions they want. During his patience and hard working time, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu have produced many State Governors, Senators, House Of Representatives, House Of Assembly, Chairman, etc and his hard work energy during the emergence of President Buhari is not a little job at all.

To be Hardworking pays alots and to have enough patience for the results of our hard labour, makes you become a better leader and a legendary winner.

Congratulations to you sir!

Hearty Cheers to our National Leader, the Jagaban of Africa, the Political Mathematician, the Aare Emi Lokan of Nigeria, the Asiwaju of the Universe, the Political Source, and the Political Generalissimo of Nigeria.

I salute your leadership,

Comr. Daniel Olamide Saliu

Coordinator, APC Youth League Ward 5, Sagamu Local Government, Ogun State.


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